Audio Conferencing Using Tropo

This is a follow up on a post I did a few weeks ago called Audio Conferencing Using Twilio and AWS. I figured I would show how easy this translates to another system like Tropo which was recently acquired by Cisco. The cool thing about Tropo is that the code can reside on their servers making it pretty easy to deploy a voice app!

Another thing I really like about Tropo is that it’s absolutely free for developers! Anyone can create an account at Tropo and immediately start testing your ideas. For that reason I’ll actually leave my conference bridge up that we create on this post for a few weeks in case anyone wants to call and hear the greeting.

Once logged into Tropo we’re going to go under “MY APPS” and “Create New App\”

Next we need to create a unique name for our app. After that we will stay with the Scripting API and click “New script.\” If you have already created some scripts you can easily grab those files with the “Select my files” option. Here’s a sample script that I’m using for this:

After you name your file (conference.js in our case) click save and we can choose our telephone number. Select your Country and Region and click “CREATE APP\”

Your page should now show a telephone number that you can call. This can sometimes take a few minutes for your application to be associated to your telephone number so give it a few minutes if it’s not working instantly.

Here\’s an overview on what we\’ve created and how it looks:

One thing you might notice is the $ amount next to the telephone number. Don’t worry I didn’t pay for anything and the documentation states that development is free!

That’s it! There are a ton of options and flexibility in this platform with great documentation and communities available to help you out.

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