Latest Blogs

Career Path Planning

Experience is a funny thing when you’re trying to land an entry-level IT job. Most people separate experience and certification but I like to keep them together.

How to get a Tech Job with No Experience

How do I get experience if no one will hire me? I secretly hate and love this question and my answer is…use the Google! There is SO much information on the internet that is free.

Do I need a College Degree to work in Tech?

I spend some of my free time mentoring people that want to get into the tech industry and this is the number one question for everyone. Do I need a college degree to work in the tech industry?

Audio Conferencing Using Tropo

Another thing I really like about Tropo is that it’s absolutely free for developers! Anyone can create an account at Tropo and immediately start testing your ideas.

Audio Conferencing Using Twilio and AWS

I came across a pretty cool solution and thought it would be worth writing a short blog about using Twilio as an audio conferencing solution that utilizes code from an AWS S3 bucket.

Connected Home | IoT 

I\’m going to do something a bit different in this blog I\’ll be covering products that consumers can easily purchase to help automate and control their home from anywhere you have a cellular or WiFi connection.

Meraki to AWS VPN | AWS Primer

This is a quick and easy solution to get a VPN going to your AWS cloud. When you create a VPC it gives you two endpoints to peer with. The AWS documentation for VPC states they may take down

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